The Warren Historical Society Information
This page is provided as an information page about the Historical Society
This is NOT the official website for the Warren Historical Society..
The Warren Historical Society Website
The Warren Historical Society Museum Is Now located In
The New Warren Community Center
Click here for A Location Map of The Warren Community Center
"The Old One Room School House In Warren Michigan",
Located at The South
End Of Tower High School., 1/2 Mile South of 12 Mile Road,, On "Bunert
<<<Click on photo for larger view>>>
Mailing Address;
Warren Historical Society
P.O. Box 1773
Warren, MI 48090-1773
Telephone: 586-264-9407
Office: 258-2056
Membership: ___$6.00 - Sr. Citizen (65)
___$10.00 _
___$12.50 - Family
___Free - over 75 years old
- Lifetime
Pres. Darlyne Sticker 771-8636
V. Pres. Sue Keffer 264-9407
Rec. Sec. Jean DeDecker 264-2319
Corr. Sec. Dorothy Leech 775-8327
Treas. Fred Gemmill 757-6370
P. Pres. Laurie Schwarz 264-8410
Trustees: Eleanor Bates 757-8339
Dorothy Cummings 264-4522
Cyndi Knecht 248-547-1010
Maria Osterloh 939-4650
Madelyne Zamora 978-1284 Photo/Historian: Wesley Arnold 754-8134 Editor: Sue Keffer Contributing ed. Becky Hetchler Genealogist: Cyndi Knecht
Other Historical Photo/sketches of Warren <<Click on the photo/sketches for a larger view with description>>>![]()
Keep Looking for those photos you'd like to share with us. We are getting more & more calls asking if we have photos of what used to be at some site or of some building as it looked years ago. Sometimes people would like to se what a neighborhood looked like 25 years ago, or less, or even a building that has been removed or renovated, If you run across some and you know what they are and approximately when they were taken, We sure would like copies. The society will pay the cost of copying them. Thanks to those who have sent in Pictures, Keep them Coming.
Contact: Sue Keffer 586-264-9407
The Warren Historical Society Website
Last Update April 2006
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